To encourage a shift in these statistics, we have developed a Leadership Program tailored for women, based on feedback from women working in traditionally male-dominated environments. And, because we know women spend more time completing unpaid work activities than male colleagues, we have made this program non-residential and more financially viable.

This is an inclusive program welcoming women from all diverse backgrounds and abilities, and it is our intent to create a space for respectful dialogue and exploration.


If your organisation is conscious of encouraging and supporting diverse perspectives, this program will support you in walking the talk.


The program format consists of several components, designed to support learning in a hybrid environment. We believe it is important for learning to be multi-faceted incorporating face to face, online and individual learning spaces. The Learning Labs will be face to face over 2 days each and the program is intended to be delivered over a four-month period.



Past participants have provided insightful feedback in relation to how their attendance at a female development program contributed to their growth and the impact they are having.

“Understanding what is important to you, your reasons why and then assisting to make decisions – learning to say no. It’s sometimes hard to come to terms with your reasons why, however they can empower you. Doing this in a women only setting was key for me.”

“It helped me realise that everyone can be their own type of leader and in their own way - really critical to transform your strengths not just focus on what you always need to improve and do better.”

“I learnt a lot about myself, it has given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone.”

“Female only workshop helped to develop connections and ability for sharing easier I think. Greater understanding of strengths that aligned specifically to leadership roles - I had never seen these in myself before.”

“Further understanding of leading in your own way... I had a preconceived idea of what I felt leadership needed to be through observing others and this did not align with who I am, so I made the assumption leadership roles may not have been for me,”



The program consists of several components over four months, enabling you to fit your learning into a busy schedule

Learning Laboratory – a place in which to experiment, research and learn without fear, to explore what’s possible and to begin to consciously move towards outcomes that matter

Learning Circles – a place to connect in small groups for deeper exploration and sense making, to learn with and support others on a journey of leadership discovery and development

Networking – the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common goals or special interest, usually in an informal setting, creating an ongoing community


The Leadership Circle (TLC) is a useful way for leaders to understand the impact of their habits and patterns of thinking on their leadership role.

It helps to identify:

  • Creative competencies – these show how well you achieve goals, inspire others, lead with a clear vision, develop yourself, act with honesty and courage and improve the way the organisation works

  • Reactive tendencies – these are leadership styles that focus on being cautious, protecting yourself, and being forceful. These habits can limit success by placing too much importance on seeking approval, guarding yourself, and using control to get results

  • Personality – these are beliefs that guide behaviour in both areas. They show how a leader’s thoughts affect whether they lead effectively or not.

Overall, the Leadership Circle Profile helps leaders become more aware of how their inner thoughts (developed over a long time), influence their actions.

Myth Busting and Storytelling

  • Refining a Narrative Identity - exploring and challenging the stories you tell yourself and putting words to the story you want others to hear

  • Defining a sense of purpose and a vision for the future

  • Understanding and embracing the past to better navigate the challenges of the future – building skills to bounce forward not back


Having a greater understanding of the stories you have constructed to help make sense of your experience will:

  • Enable you to see how your behaviour is serving you and to clarify what shifts you want to commit to ie what strengths you want to grow and areas of development to focus on

  • Provide you with a greater ability to empathise with diverse backgrounds and different perspectives

  • Ensure your purpose and values are clear and aligned, giving you more confidence and direction

In a smaller group you will be challenged to expand on the key learnings from Lab 1 and will be exposed to skill building opportunities whilst building deeper connections with your new network

In between dedicated learning spaces, participants will be invited to identify and connect with a leader they believe espouse leadership qualities that support growth and development, to explore the notion of ‘Inclusive Leadership’. As the need for inclusive leadership is becoming more pressing, this is an opportunity to explore and challenge what is possible to ensure all voices are heard and all perspectives are sought. This will enable participants to grow their network beyond the program and to explore current and relevant challenges in Lab#2 in the spirit of shifting culture.

Fostering High Performance Leadership Cultures

  • Supporting change – on the back of Leadership Research we will identify what change might be needed now and how to begin to courageously nudge your system

  • Cultivating Presence and Influence – confidently ‘showing up’ in the face of adversity is not necessarily an innate capability. We will work with participants to identify how to influence with integrity and authenticity and to not shy away from perceived difficult interactions. This will support ‘managing upwards, across and sideways’


With a system wide lens you will be:

  • More conscious of what is occurring around you and what role you can take up in challenging the status quo in a way that can be heard

  • Aware of the boundaries necessary in your role both from a systemic and personal point of view

Artem founders (Matt Williams, Jil Toovey and Jayne Jennings) have an extensive background in leadership development across a number of industries and sectors.

As a boutique learning and development consultancy, we focus on understanding the hidden or unconscious barriers faced by leaders in a highly complex world. Our intention is to support leaders to purposefully and personally transform as they develop the capacity to face the ongoing challenge of leadership.

Our approach encourages growth by creating space for leaders to make sense of their world in more complex and inclusive ways. We challenge leaders to test their assumptions, to question their perspective and to identify how they may be getting in their own way. This gives leaders ownership of their developmental journey.

This type of development calls for different learning experiences so leaders can explore, experiment and embed new learning. We pride ourselves on creating a safe space for leaders to recognise what is takes to be their best and providing them with new ways to learn.

Jayne and Matt are both skilled and passionate facilitators, experienced in working with women to evolve their leadership and embrace what is possible.


My purpose is to enable people to discover who they are and who they might become in pursuit of conscious leadership. My practice is constantly evolving as I continue to learn more about myself and the world we live in. I feel it is important to provide people with time and a safe space to reflect, explore and challenge who they are and how they live and lead. By developing conscious leadership, I hope to support leaders to expand their capacity to think, feel and act in more complex and adaptive ways. I have a passion for supporting the leadership development of women so they can be seen, heard and understood.


My passion lies in developing leaders and organisations with high integrity and clear purpose. My work empowers people to better lead with courage, facilitates higher performing teams or group dynamics and creates more adaptive organisations. My approach is both developmentally supportive and brings healthy challenge. I support people to bring their truest self forward and become more conscious of how they’ve been conditioned through their careers and lives in ways that may be impacting both the current and next versions of their leadership.

If you like what you have read so far, why not get in touch with us to discuss how together, we can focus on your leadership in 2024.

Key Details


Key Dates: April 2024 | 1-2 May 2024 | June 2024 | 17- 18 July 2024

Venue: Hub Southern Cross. Level 2, 696 Bourke St, Melbourne

Fee: $4,950 plus GST


Mobile: 0416134776


Can’t make the dates? Check our our alternative program, ‘Scaling your Leadership’


frequently asked questions

I've never done a 360 before, does that matter?

Not at all, this will give you an opportunity to seek feedback from others and to make sense of this in context of your role, in a supportive environment. 

I am not a leader, can I still attend?

We believe we are all leaders in our own right with, or without the title. This program will support your leadership in work and life. 

Why is this only for women?

In many industries, the traditional leadership model has largely centered around men, and as such makes it difficult for women to be seen and heard. We believe there is value in women exploring challenges, making sense and learning together in the spirit of increasing courage and finding purpose. We also run mixed gendered programs and fully support women and men learning together when they are coming from the same or similar starting point ie where the barriers and challenges are shared.


How big will the group be?

We have capped this program at 14 participants so we gain the benefits of small group learning and voices won't be lost. Think of it as a way of growing your learning circle and network instantly by 13 (15 including Jayne and Matt)! 

I haven't studied for a long time, will I stand out?

The foundation of this program is women supporting each other and learning together. You will take out of this program what you need and what makes sense to you. There will be no evaluation or judgement about what this is and nothing to memorise per se. We will all have a role to explore and challenge with a sense of playfulness and purpose, individually and collectively.

What if I can't attend one of the dates?

Your commitment and attendance at both the face to face and online components of the program are critical. Consider what you might need to do, in order to focus on your development without distraction.

What time does the program start?

9am with coffee/tea/chai. We will aim to finish up by 4.45pm.

I am still breastfeeding, can I bring the baby along?

We fully support you to bring the baby with you. For your own benefit, you may wish to bring someone else along to relieve you of caring responsibilities outside of feeds so you can be present.   


Does it matter what industry or sector I work in?

We have designed the program to cater across work industries and sectors. We feel it is valuable to share your experience with others and see how similar and different we all are, regardless of work background and experience. 


I am worried about the Inclusive Leadership Research

We will support you with this. Think about it as an opportunity to engage with an experienced leader and to explore together what Inclusive Leadership looks like and why it is important. It will not be a traditional research task. 


I have particular dietary needs

We will gather this data from you upon enrolment and will discuss if necessary


Is there parking nearby?

The venue is very accessible via public transport - Bourke St trams and Southern Cross Station. There are also private car parks around.


Will I receive anything for my CV if I complete the program? 

Upon completion of the program you will be able to add the credential to your online CV hosted on Linkedin via ARTEM's company page. 


Diversity matters to us and our own development. As such, we invite participants from varied backgrounds.  We welcome people of all races, abilities, spiritualities, genders and sexual orientations to join us.  We will do all we can to ensure you feel welcome, seen and heard. Your feedback is invited if this isn't your experience with us and will help us learn.

Artem acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Victoria where we meet and work, recognising their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities.

We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.