leadership development

We have experience in designing and delivering leadership programs for client organisations in a wide range of sectors including High Performance Sport, FMCG, Professional Services and Health.

Every engagement we undertake starts with a blank piece of paper. Whilst we have a good sense of what has worked in similar contexts before, we use this knowledge only as another input to the design of a program that is custom made to fit the organisation’s own challenges.  Every organisation presents with different constraints (e.g. strategies, organisational cultures, value sets and assumptions), and it is vital these are taken into account in the design phase. 

Recent client design example 1

Our program designs are longitudinal in nature and are delivered by a number of different modalities.  They focus on areas including Leadership, Strategy, Team Dynamics, Change, Culture and Systems Thinking.  All our programs incorporate interpersonal skill development, behaviour and mindset change.  This combined with the delivery over a sustained period of time enables true organisational impact.

Artem Group believe in development being an embodied experience. This means that the participant experience provides for deep insight into who they are and what is possible; it provides stretch and is highly contextual. We have a track record in delivering programs that support participants to reflect on and honour the past, be conscious of the present and plan for the future. 

We subscribe to the notion that a leader’s thinking and way of being needs to evolve to keep pace with or transcend the thinking that created the challenges they will be facing in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and diverse environment. This calls for vertical development – transforming the mindset of the leader to sit alongside the more traditional horizontal development which transfers information and skill development to the leader.

Our designs are rigorous and provide space for adaptation as required; given what emerges during the process of learning. We draw on a breadth of solid and emerging research and have skills that enable us to integrate models and frameworks. The purpose of using any methodology must be clear and we are constantly interrogating our own thinking to ensure we are making decisions that deliver learning experiences which have high systemic impact.

Recent client design example 2

Developmental programs cannot shy away from the need to work across multiple disciplines such as leadership and change theory, psychology, group dynamics, systems thinking, neuroscience, developmental theory, philosophy, mindfulness and so on. 

Where possible and in required circumstances, we will also look to adapt our delivery methods to embrace innovative technologies. This will involve purposefully designing programs to ensure participants remain engaged and continue to develop whilst being remotely located.  At present with the global COVID context, this has become even more important and as such we have evolved our delivery methods, finding innovative ways to facilitate and coach online with high engagement, process and impact.

Our learning experiences are designed to meet participant readiness and to stretch them in an environment of trust and respect. We use the dynamics of the group as a powerful vehicle for learning and focus on using participant challenges and context as the container for leadership development. We work with people to identify and understand their leadership assets and potential growth opportunities within the environment/context in which they are working. 

As facilitators we consciously step back over time, to provide space for the group to step forward and lead itself, alongside the facilitators. This might be thought of as shared leadership and if approached well, is far more likely to equip leaders to manage the complex organisational and societal challenges faced today and into the future.

While there are three Artem founders in Jayne Jennings, Jil Toovey and Matt Williams; we also draw upon a network of carefully selected and vetted associates and specialist contributors to support our delivery against specific client needs.

Artem acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Victoria where we meet and work, recognising their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities.

We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.